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News Mar 27

Successful Domestic Deliveries During COVID-19

Shippers and trucking companies are adapting to unprecedented logistics challenges due to COVID-19. How can the impact to business be minimized?

Trade Mar 25

Trade Show and Event Cancellations/Postponements Hit International Exhibitors Exponentially

The coronavirus crisis has significantly affected the trade show industry with event cancellations and postponements around the globe. What happens to international cargo when a show is cancelled?

MarketplaceTransportation Mar 24

Air Freight Rates Surge Amidst Urgent Needs

As China’s manufacturing plants reopen and ramp up to full production, demand has surged for air cargo space needed to move critical medical supplies and products which were delayed due to the coronavirus shut-down. Fedex’s Chairman Fred Smith was a guest on Face the Nation Sunday and commented on the strength of demand for Fedex’s […]

Marketplace Mar 20

Help for Today’s Global Supply Chain

In these difficult times when we are all focused on health and safety, we also know that our role in supporting you may be more important than ever. We are following the Coronavirus situation closely and finding solutions daily to help service providers and shippers keep their global business running. Our consulting teams work remotely […]

News Mar 11

Industry Week 3/11/20 | First the Trade War, Now Coronavirus: Keeping Your Supply Chain Moving for the Next 90 Days

On the heels of last year’s difficult trade war, supply chains now face an additional disruption caused by the coronavirus.  The virus’s impact on international supply chains is spreading beyond China and creating knock-on effects in other parts of the globe. Here’s an update on the situation overseas and what businesses can do now and over […]

Insights Feb 23

Five Benefits of Working with a Woman-Owned Business

Baker is newly certified by the State of Illinois as a Women’s Business Enterprise. Learn the five key benefits our clients receive by partnering with a WBE like Baker.

Trade Jan 13

AJOT 12/17/19 | Trade Uncertainties Have Gone Global

AJOT’s year end article on global trade and transportation includes an interview with Baker Logistics Consulting about the global supply chain environment and top strategies for business success in 2020.

Trade Jan 3

INCOTERMS 2020 – What’s New for Your Business?

Who pays for what in international trade and shipping? An overview of the role of INCOTERMS, what’s new in 2020 and how it impacts your international business. Includes a link to a free downloadable guide to INCOTERMS 2020.


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